Friday, March 13, 2009

Eliminating an Act

Okay, the circus doesn't have enough room for two full-time blogs. Sorry. I will continue to post my layouts, when I get them done, and my monthly desktops here. All other updates and daily photos will be published on the family blog.

Take care and thanks for following.

March Desktop

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Almost caught up

In order to fit all of the layouts into a bound book, I will have to a week onto a single page rather than a two page layout from time to time. Two weeks left, and then I am all caught up. Yeah!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February Desktop

Thought I would share the February desktop I made for Joe's mom.

P365 Layouts

I know I am an entire week (okay more than a week) behind on posting. I wanted to finish my layouts before I posted. I will probably just post layouts for last week and this week, and then go back to daily posting after I catch up. Well here are the layouts so far, for my 2009 book. The bottom three are two page spreads. Enjoy!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Jan 28 - 30

28/365 - A quick stop at the donut shop before we went to the Montessori school to turn in our enrollment paperwork. Cambry will be going to school 2 days a week for now, until I go back to work.
"Where the Road Leads"

29/365 - I had an interview today at a great real estate appraisal firm. My childcare plans backfired and Boston ended up coming to the interview with me. He was quite the charmer. Later in the day, Cambry and I went to the park by our house. (Photo courtesy of the auto timer setting on my camera.) It was her idea that I ride the slide repeatedly with her. It was a blast though. We stayed long enough to watch the sunset.

30/365 - Joe's new parter's wife invited us to their home for a play date today. We had a wonderful time. It was refreshing to spend time with an adult. (Joe is still gone.) Cambry jumped on a trampoline for the first time, and even helped to make cupcakes.
So I tried, and tried, and tried to get this shot to come out. It is a shot of the moon and the lone star, straight up and slightly left. It was stunning in the sky - my photo skills (or lack there of) did not justice to this incredible site. I will work on it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

January 26 - 27

26/365 - This is a photo of one of Cambry's P-L-T sandwiches. I believe I eat about 10 or 15 of these a day. She is quite the aspiring chef.
Today we washed the car outside and then went to watch the planes at the airport.
27/365 - My darling little guy and I had an oh so silly time laughing together today. When I finally stopped laughing, he too stopped, and this was the face he gave me.
Here is Cambry walking through the mall, talking on my cell phone to Grandma.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Through my 25 days of photos for this project, I have a new found love of trees. This is a awesome tree I saw today, against the overcast sky.
Confession (another blonde moment): So the pictures I posted before of the new restaurant, they are not actually the new restaurant. Hey, they said the restaurant was on the corner behind the bank, and to think I doubted the contractor when he told me the building I was photographing was Broncos. What would he know. She here is the actual new location. It is just as stunning as the corner previously photographed, but this side is clearly visible from the freeway and is right off the exit. On the web site it reports that some 500,000 vehicles pass by this exit daily. We had a great day today with Papa Joe. This is his only day off during his close to three week stint. He came back to Houston so we didn't get to visit Austin - yet. We also didn't get to go on the much anticipanted 'cue run. ('cue = Texan for BBQ) It was nice to be at home though, and I was able to wash his laundry without a roll of quarters.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

January 22 - 24

22/365 (FAM) Sorry for the incorrect direction on the photo. Blogger has been giving me grief when I upload photos lately. I tried everything I could to fix it. If you can shed some light on this, I would appreciate it.
Today I just had to have one picture of each little one. I love sleeping babies! "Drink it up...yeah man that's the good stuff." Cambry loves to take a bath in our huge (really huge) master tub. She had been taking showers at our old house for probably six months now. At the new house, the showers don't really allow me to get her clean without drenching myself (not set up for co-showering either). None-the-less, we are back to baths. She called for me today saying, "Look Mommy, I wrote my name." You can't tell in the picture, but she had letters wrapped 3/4 the way around the tub. "C-A-M-B-R-Y, Cambry," she finished.

23/365 "Missing the Snow" Thanks to Laura's stunning snow scene photo from back home, posted on her blog yesterday, I now totally miss the snow. You will never hear Joe say that, but it's in my blood. Here is a picture of the pine tree out front, all green and lush. I can't help but think something is missing. (P.S. it was 78 degrees here today. Nice I know, but not when you miss the snow.)
"Missing Pap Joe" - (no explanation needed)
24/365 (CME)
This is a photo of my Kombucha Juice bottle. (Thanks for the recommendation Matt!) Kombucha is known for it incredible health benefits. After I took my first sip, I was immediately 'turned off' (read: repulsed). I had to hit the web and get educated to see if this was even going to be worth choking down everyday. Although most people believe Kombucha to be a mushroom (including the Whole Foods dietary expert who directed me to the juice's location in the store), Kombuca is actually a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, fermented with sugar and tea (usually Chinese tea) for 30 days to make the finished Kombucha juice product. (Who, three hours of research put into one lovely sentence for your reading pleasure.) After going back through out the day for a few more sips, the stuff kind of grew on me. It has this strange effervescence to it, although not a carbonated beverage (due to the fermentation I imagine). I decided I needed to be drinking the 95% Kombucha and 5% juice as I could not stomach the raw, 100% product. I loathe beer, which is exactly what the smell reminds me of. However, the less nauseating juice/juice blend actually reminds me of Framboise, Lambic beer - if you have ever had the pleasure. (I am not quite sure why I just told you all that. It's my new adventure I guess, so why not share.)
24/365 (FAM)
Today we went to a Pre-K fair to explore our school options for Cambry. After she woke up this morning, I told her our plan and explained that Cinderella would be there. She had her bath, and then asked me to fix her hair for her. I just combed it and put a barrette in it, not knowing what she was after. "How does it look?" she asked. I of course told her she look beautiful. "Do you think 'Sin-umbrella' will like it?" she continued. When we arrived, Cambry was fascinated with Cinderella. She spent most of her time talking with her, telling a million stories. (Check out the family blog for more photos -

Cambry and Sin-umbrella

Friday, January 23, 2009


"Lone Star State"

I only took a couple of pictures today. I have been working tons everyday to find a job here. This is a photo of Cambry with her post nap hairdo. She is the queen of bed head. Lately she has been getting really sweaty during her naps. She will wake up and say, "Wow Mommy, I'm all fwetty." That is my favorite word she says. Her language is incredible, yet like any two year old, she still has a couple of words that she says in her own adorable way.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


1/20/09 Where were you when the whole world paused to watch the American Revival? You were here. Check out our family blog for another version of this picture. Today was an emotional day for all of us. It all began with Cambry's hour long break down this morning. (She misses Papa terribly.) Then came major goosebumps watching the inaugural coverage. I love to hear Obama speak. The benediction was pretty moving as well. Then my whole world came crashing down when I ripped the seat of my pants, my only good pair of jeans. Isnt' it funny how the smallest thing is the 'straw the breaks the camels back.'


My sick little lady is still loving life. We stayed in all day; at one point she wanted to play dress up. "How do I look?" she said.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wk 3, Jan 12 - 18 (FAM)

12/365 - Well look who's fed up with P365 already. Sorry, I am that mother.

13/365 - Boston's favorite place to sleep is on Mommy's side of the bed, preferably with Mommy by his side. Here we are taking a break from relaxing by having an afternoon nap. (We decided to quit unpacking for the time being and just relax. The move really drained all of us.)

14/365 - We had dinner at our first Texas BBQ joint tonight - Luling City Market. The was teh place we decided on after reading several blogs and web posting on the topic of Texas BBQ. "There has got to be better," Joe says. The whole experience was just average. We did however, agree that we would open a BBQ joint later in life. We have always said we would create our own sauce, so why not have a rib shack too? The search for the best Texas BBQ is still on.

15/365 - Papa Joe is in Austin now for the next 2 1/2 weeks - just the three of us hanging out. We are spending the mornings visiting childcare centers, Montessori schools, and Preschools.

16/365 - The day Mom and Cambry laughed so hard we both got the hic-ups.

17/365 - Boston Boy in the bath, again. It seems like he spends half his time in the bath lately, trying to releive his constipated bowels. He LOVES the bath! Swimming outside of the baby tub just before he gets out if his favorite.

18/365 - We spent the morning. at the airport behind our house watching the planes land. Later we went to play at the park behind Papa Joe's new restaurant. That night, Cambry came down with her first cold / illness of the winter.

Wk 3, Jan 12 - 18 (CME)


14/365 - "Loved By the King"

16/365 - "Trailed by a True Texan"

17/365 - just proud- I took this in the complete dark

18/365 - "Locked In?"

Wk 2, Jan 5 - 11 (FAM)

5/365 - Monday, January 5th Moving day!

6/365 - Papa Joe and Cambry heading down to the pool at the hotel in Oklahoma City. He told her all day how they would go swimming once we arrived at the hotel. And by they, he meant mom and Cambry. :)

7/365 - Here it is, downtown Houston (the view from my drivers seat anyways). Joe's car is the white one in the right corner. It was a mad rush all over town to get the rent and keys all taken care of. We some how finished it all right on time, to the minute. Sprint to the finish, I always say. We had the BEST dinner at Outback on Westheimer Rd - perfection!

8/365 - Boston and I are sunning ourselves outside while the movers unload the semi. I obviously need the sun! After all my effort tagging and labeling the boxes, I still had to tell the men where each and every box was to go. Somehow, the still didn't end up in the right places. No complaints though, the sun was a whapping 80 degrees that day. We spent the night in a hotel again becuase we didn't have all our utilities turned on yet.

9/365 - Yeah! We are in our new house. "My new house is great!" Cambry says. We dove right in and unpacked the kitchen. We had dinner at this great little Mexican joint down the road - authentic! I had a horchata and something a la plancha - delicious! Cambry loved her cheese taco too!

10/365 - Cambry was thrilled to have some of her toys unpaced today. I work on setting up the game room / family room while Joe continued on with the kitchen.

11/365 - Boston sits in the bumbo for the first time. He is still a bobble baby, but loves to be up where he can see the world to go.